Getting Stuff Done With a Bullet Journal

The search for the perfect planner

I started my annual search for next year’s planner last fall when I found myself at Staples. Almost every planner I picked up was a variation on the theme of too little space and too much extra stuff like gratitude lists, to-do’s, meal planning, quotes, etc.

My planner is a place to track appointments, events, tasks, and notes. Especially notes. Finding a planner that only has what I need inevitably comes with a hefty price tag or requires a truck to carry it around or both!

I discovered the bullet journal website and watched the introductory videos some time ago, but it didn’t resonate with me at the time. This time, I watched the videos on and spent a couple more hours watching more videos on YouTube. I decided a bullet journal was for me.

What happens when you fall out of love with your business?

In various blogs and groups, I’ve seen people mention falling out of love with their business. Most are trying to fall back in love with their business. I confess I don’t know how to do that. What if you didn’t fall out of love with your business because of burn out and lack of self-care? Do you choose to love a business that no longer fills you with joy? What if taking time off doesn’t help you like your business again much less love it? Is it time to divorce your business?

What if the answer isn’t to be more productive?

When is the last time you saw the bottom of your to-do list?

How often do you accomplish everything you set out to do each day?

How often do you beat yourself up for not getting enough done?

What if the problem isn’t that you should be more productive?

What if the real problem is there is too much on your to-do list?